Explosive substances found in Dural may have been intended for anti -Semitic attack
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Explosive substances found in Dural may have been intended for anti -Semitic attack

Jason about, reporter: Dural, on the outskirts of Sydney’s northwest, is now at the center of a terrorism investigation.

Chris remembers, NSW Premier: This is the discovery of a potential mass accident event. There is only one way to call it, and it is terrorism.

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister: There is zero tolerance in Australia for hatred and for anti -Semitism and I want some perpetrators to be chased and locked in.

Jason about: About ten days ago, police swept this property after they were tipped about a caravan on the roadside.

David Grandy, neighbor: I probably believe in 20 odd police officers there. There were some common clothes and some significant clothes and then there were CSI guys on the back.

Jason about: Inside the caravan, explosives – enough for a blast 40 meters wide they say.

David Hudson, NSW’s Deputy Police Comm: obviously the discovery and the discovery of the caravan would contain a number of explosives not to be used in the normal anti -Semitic attack we have seen.

This is really an escalation of it using explosives that have the potential to cause a lot of damage.

Jason about: Police say the explosive substances used in mining were intended for an anti -Semitic attack on targets they will not reveal.

David Hudson: I don’t think it’s appropriate to nominate the goals. I may indicate it, but the Jewish community will be aware of these and has been.

Jason about: Now while the police are focused on this property, the owner has told us that he and the residents had nothing to do with the caravan. In fact, he says that the caravan parked a few meters away on the road.

Can you categorically say that you have nothing to do with this caravan.

Robert: Absolutely. I have passed it two or three times.

Jason about: Did you report it to the police?

Robert: No. I didn’t know why it was sitting there.

Jason about: He has denied something wrong and claims that the police injured the property and abused one of the inhabitants.

How was he treated, what happened to him?

Robert: rough, roughly.

Reporter: In what way?

Robert: Well, he was handcuffs and put on the floor, stood on, they hit the door, hit him in the face. He should have opened the door right away and he didn’t.

Reporter: How are they as tenants.

Robert: 100 percent perfect

Reporter: Have you never had any problems?

Robert: No.

Reporter: Never involvement in the police?

Robert: No, they’re not that kind of people

Jason about: We put his claims to the New South Wales police. They said they could not confirm and would not comment.

Reporter: Is it scary to know that these explosives were there?

Robert: If someone pulls up outside your house with some explosives, would you be scared?

Jason about: The caravan seems to have been on site since the beginning of December.

David Hudson: We are still looking for help in relation to everyone who saw that caravan parked on the side of the road from December 7 to January 19 this yar.

Jason about: What do you think about the fact that they found explosives in the caravan?

David Grandy: It is obviously not the nicest to find out that it is parked just along the way from you. It’s a pretty quiet community out here so it’s not the type you expect to happen in this area or any area obviously but yes, it’s not the nicest.

Jason about: Today the police revealed that the owner of the caravan was arrested separately as part of the anti -Semitism’s strike examination.

Scott Marshall was appointed alleged in the keyword at Dural.

David Hudson: He was in custody based on crimes investigated during Strikeforce Pearl. When the actual caravan was located, he was in custody.

Jason about: Tammie Farrugia was also alleged on the keyword. She was accused last week over a separate attack on Woollahra in December but has not been accused in relation to it.

Over night, there was another graffiti attack in Sydney, this time at a Jewish school at Maroubra.

Chris remembers: It tells you everything you need to know about how scary these bastards are that they would rip apart a school at one of the first school days with a racist, anti -Semitic attack.

Dani Goldwater: We are scared, we are very scared. We don’t know who this is or where it comes from or why it addresses us.

Rabbit Yossi Friedman: It’s hateful, it’s inciteful. These are words but we have seen before where words can lead.

Hila Galapo: This is a school, and it is extremely worrying and I am very dissatisfied with it.

Jason about: For the past two months, anti -Semitic attacks around Australia have escalated dramatically – from spray painted graffiti to the fireplace of cars and shops in Sydney and a Melbourne synago.

The discovery of explosives here in Dural for an obvious terrorist attack has received a large response from the federal police, Asio and the state police from New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.

David Hudson: We have identified links between certain jobs, which gives us a certain indication that there is a coordination level over those who commit crimes but I am not prepared to go into these details.

Jason about: Over at Newtown -Synagogen in Sydney’s inner Western Swastikas graffitated on the brick fence in a separate attack earlier this month has been wiped away.

The caravan in Dural has society at the edge but vigilant.

Rabbit Eli Felman, Newtown Synagogue: It obviously trades, a van full of explosives that can make a huge crater and kill many people

Jason about: At the same time, there is a feeling despite being caved for fear.

Rebbetzin Elka Feldman, Newtown Synagogue: It goes back to how we will react and I think we have to maintain a position that we will not falter from.

Eli Felman: There are bad actors both locally and abroad who want so disagreement and create disharmony in society, but I believe that the message we need to tell them is that you will not succeed

Jason about: Some people have asked, why not revealed the police what they knew when they knew it ten days ago.

Eli Felman: I’m sure they had operational considerations; I will not be criticizing the police.

Karen Webb, NSW Police Commissioner: All our activities remain ongoing, over 300 patrols every night in Sydney to assure the public that we are there.