Why did Bill Gates LSD, marijuana and why he quit. Memora ‘Source Code’ reveals Microsoft’s founder Youth
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Why did Bill Gates LSD, marijuana and why he quit. Memora ‘Source Code’ reveals Microsoft’s founder Youth

In its Memoar source code, Microsoft’s founder Bill Gates Revealing that he tried drugs to impress girls, but the experience with LSD scared him and he never did it again, according to a report from People.com. The book, which will be published on February 4, will provide an insight into Gates childhood and youth, including his experience of drugs and alcohol.

Why did Bill Gate’s drugs try?

Frans In his book he shared that he experimented with drugs during his teens, including LSD and marijuana. By sharing his attempt with LSD, the 69-year-old writes that he experimented with it a few times and once tried to call a girl from his phone while he called his toes, according to the report.

He also added that he smoked marijuana to impress girls, but that “didn’t work”.

Why did Bill Gates give up drugs?

Gates said he tried LSD “four or five times”, the last one was when he was 21, the report noted.

“So I gave it up after, I think we did it (LSD) four or five times in total. I think the last time was when I was like 21. And I definitely do not recommend it because even if you think some of your thoughts are deep, afterwards, they are not, ”says Gates in the book.

In marijuana he said his attempt to be cool and impress girls “didn’t work”, but “I tried.”

Bill Gates shares panic from LSD -DROGAN Use

Gates talked about an incident of LDs use and says he panicked after his mind wandered. “On a computer you can remove a file and even wipe out all your stored data. Since the brain is just a sophisticated computer, I thought: ‘Hi, maybe I can order my brain to zero out my whole Memories. ‘But then I was worried that testing that the perception could actually put it irrevocably in motion. Better not even think about it, he says in the book.

He added that the next day while showering he checked if his memories were okay and decided to give up LSD, because of the experience, according to the report.

Drinking Bill Gates joke: “I blame Paul Allen and Jimi Hendrix!”

Gates also wrote about being drunk for the first time, raised the report, and blamed joking his late friend and Microsoft’s founder Paul Allen.

“I threw up and went out that night in Lakeside Teachers’ Lounge” – and released acid during the Senior Skip Day … and still felt the effects the next morning, during a dental procedure. That’s all Paul’s fault. Everything I did, I blame him and Jimi Hendrix, “he joked to people.

Addition: “Paul always got a kick out of challenging things like (not) drinking. And he gave me a bunch of whiskeyWhich I still don’t like the taste of, because the first night I drank too much. I am a huge risk taker who is willing to try new things, but I also like that I work well. And so both during these trips and even after you wonder, “Hello, I rushed up?” “

When he spoke to people, Bill Gates said that the most interesting thing about his Memoarkäll code is that many of the “key persons” in the book do not live today. These key people include, Allen and Gate’s parents, his childhood friend Kent Evans and others.