Seven common hmpv symptoms to watch out for – and how to protect yourself
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Seven common hmpv symptoms to watch out for – and how to protect yourself

  • Cases of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV) have increased in the UK according to the latest figures.

  • It comes after China has seen a wave in case, mostly affects young children.

  • Symptoms of HMPV can resemble the cold and the flu.

  • The best way to protect yourself from HMPV is by following basic hygiene practice.

Case of the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) has increased dramatically in the UK, according to Last figures from the British health and security agency (UKHSA).

It comes after China saw a wave in case, mostly affected young children, which triggered fear of another global pandemic when images circulated on social media at narrow hospitals.

The latest figures from UKHSA have revealed that the cases have risen by 4.9%, with the 80 years and over with the highest positivity of 7.3%.

NHS has already handled a “quad-demic” of seasonal diseases this winter, with A & E departments left the feeling of pressure and a number of health care in the UK that explain critical incidents, with reference to exceptional demand.

When cases of HMPV rise across the UK, it is the symptoms you should watch out for and how to protect yourself.

Cases of HMPV have increased in China.
Cases of HMPV have increased in China.

HMPV Is one of the viruses that causes a cold, it belongs to the same family as RSV, has been around for decades and is extremely common with most children who have an HMPV infection when they are five years old.

The symptoms of HMPV often resemble those of colds or flu and usually occur three to six days after exposure.

Ordinary HMPV symptoms may include:

HMPV symptoms are similar to the cold and the flu, while most cases will be mild, for children, those with weakened immune systems and those over 65 years, there are risks of complications such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

Serious symptoms that require medical care may include: hissing breathing, difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, severe fatigue, dehydration or a fever that is not improved.

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Superdrug’s pharmacy Superintendent Niamh McMillan has described six ways to protect you from catching HMPV this winter.

McMillan explains: “HMPV is a respiratory virus that can cause symptoms similar to the cold or flu. It is a highly contagious virus that mainly spreads through drops in the air when someone coughs and sneezes. It can also be spread via surfaces affected by contaminated hands.

“While HMPV can affect people of all ages, the most vulnerable young children, the elderly and individuals with weakened immune systems.”

Symptoms of HMPV can resemble the influenza or cold.
Symptoms of HMPV can resemble the influenza or cold.

Superdrugs Pharmacy Superintendent Niamh McMillan shares the best ways to protect yourself and others from HMPV:

Wash your hands often: Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Avoid close contact with others: Stay at home if you feel sick and avoid close contact with people who are unhealthy.

Cover coughs and sneezes: Always cover the mouth and nose with a tissue or hand when coughing or sneezing. Discard the tissues immediately and do not forget to wash your hands afterwards.

Disinfect surfaces with high touch: Regularly clean and disinfects touch areas such as door handles, light switches and mobile devices.

Practice the food hygiene of food: Consider wearing a mask if you are in a crowded or poorly ventilated space, especially if you experience HMPV symptoms.

Keep up to date on vaccines: There is currently no vaccine for HMPV, which keeps up to date on vaccinations for other respiratory viruses that the flu can help protect the total respiratory health.

Symptoms of HMPV can resemble it for colds, flu or covid, you can read more about How to tell you if you have HMPV, Covid or Influenza?