South Africa Bi regulates an obstacle to Elon Musk’s spacex
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South Africa Bi regulates an obstacle to Elon Musk’s spacex

SpaceX has raised concern that South Africa’s current broad Black Economic Empowerment (Bee) Ownership regulations are a major obstacle to international satellite services, including its own Star linkTo work effectively in the country, Cape {city} etc. Reports.

The company has proposed that a share equivalent program can be a more practical solution.

In a formal submission to South Africa’s independent communications authority (Icasa) dated November 12, 2024, Detailed Spacex’s position on the regulator’s proposed new satellite services License framework.

The submission, prepared by Brandi Oliver, SpaceX’s The Global License and Market Activation Manager, emphasized how the existing requirements in the Electronic Communications Act have prevented foreign satellite operators such as Starlink from entering the South African market.

At present, South African regulations require that companies that provide communication services to end users must be owned at least 30% of historically disadvantaged groups.

This requirement is particularly problematic for foreign satellite suppliers with global policy that prevents local ownership, which effectively prevents them from participating in the South African market.

Spacex pointed out that this “significant barrier” prevents many international satellite operators from bringing their services to South Africa.

The company has expressed support for an alternative approach – a share equivalent program. This would enable satellite operators to meet the transformation requirements by making financial contributions to South Africa’s socio -economic development rather than following strict rules for local ownership.

According to SpaceX, adaptation regulations to the ICT sector would already recognize the share equivalent as a valid alternative, encourage foreign investments and promote greater innovation and competition in the local industry.

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Photo: Christopher Furlong / Gallo Images