New charges in Lovelock’s high -speed internet project
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New charges in Lovelock’s high -speed internet project

Reno, Nev. (Kolo) -New charges have appeared in Lovelock High -Speed ​​Internet scandal.

As Previously reportedThe project has been delayed because the company that leads the fee, UPRISE Fiber, is accused of not paying its contractors, even though they have received a contribution to doing so.

It has been over two years since Uprise Fiber LLC was awarded a taxpayer-funded contribution of $ 9 million to bring high-speed internet to Lovelock, NV. But now a second entrepreneur, NNE Construction, claims that they were never paid. And documents obtained by Kolo 8 show that funds intended for the project were transferred to the personal account for Upris’s owner, Steve Kromer.

Marc Williams, Deputy Chairman of NNE Construction, says Upprise originally paid $ 55,000 for preliminary work, but they never followed the majority of their invoices. NNE claims that they also bought materials of $ 750,000 and distributed $ 2.5 million in equipment for the project. But after months of delays and unanswered invoices, they only received a payment of $ 50,000 – a movement that Williams says was just to strive them.

“For the taxpayer who pays for this, it makes me sick in my stomach. I don’t know why this is not on the fast track with the kind of money we are dealing with. Because $ 9.1 million is not chump’s change, says Williams. “And some of us paid for it twice!”

Williams says his company has met significant financial cases. Their supplier accounts were frozen, they lost millions and they had to postpone other jobs. Despite this, Williams says he will continue to work hard and dig out the hole upwards.

“My dad always taught us that every dog ​​has his day. He said that honesty, hard work and obedience pay off. Not sometimes, and not for the most part. Always. And that’s how we work. Whatever they have come to them, they deserve to reap the consequences of their decisions and their choice, ”Williams said.

Mark Simons, the lawyer of the original contractors, commnv, says: ‘No one has been paid out of Steve Kromer’, when Upris’s financial register paints a worrying picture. Kolo 8 has received documents from Simons showing the taxpayers’ contribution money to build high-speed internet-rejected to the personal account of Upris’s owner. Simons call this not only immoral but devastating for Lovelock.

″ It’s completely inappropriate. It is incorrect. The NDOT has no idea where the money is, ”Simons said. “They paid $ 9 million in taxpayers’ money and there is missing.”

Simons adds that both the USDA and NDOT, which provided surveillance, have refused to take responsibility for the situation.

“The NDOT has taken the position that they have no responsibility for what Upal does with the money,” Simons said.

At the same time, this is not the first time Uprise has been faced with allegations. Commnv has already been sued for non-payment, and UPRIRE’s contracting license has now been canceled. Despite this, Williams says that the company is still trying to hire new entrepreneurs – a move he warns others against.

“When you play with pigs, you get gunna clay on you,” Williams said.

For Lovelock residents, the wait for high-speed internet was just longer. The next court date on this issue is not until 2026, leaving taxpayers and contractors who wonder when, or if they will see justice.

As of January 27, Simon’s document provided to show that Steve Kromer has resigned from the company. Kolo 8 was enough to establish for comments, but they have not yet answered.

Until today, Kolo 8 has informed the following persons/agencies about this misunderstanding:

– Governor Lombardo

– the national lawyer, Aaron Ford

-Congressman Mark Amodei

– Senator Jacky Rose

– Senator Catherine Cortez Masto

– Biden -administration

– The Trump administration


– Treasury Department

– Nevada Legislative Council

– the office for professional responsibility

– The Ministry of Business

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto is the only one who answers and says she is working behind the scenes, but has no comment right now.