Miss Manners: I kept my last name when I got married, but my parents call me “Mrs. Make’s last name ‘
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Miss Manners: I kept my last name when I got married, but my parents call me “Mrs. Make’s last name ‘

Dear Miss Manners: I kept my birth name when I got married ten years ago. But my parents insist on calling me ”Mrs. The spouse’s last name. “

They have used a lot of excuses – they were polite to my husband (who fortunately do not appreciate their gesture), or they kept things simple for the postal company. They have even insisted that I still “think” to change my name and that they will use this in the meantime.

This has become difficult when it has legal/financial consequences. They generously booked a trip for the large family through their travel agency, but the name they booked does not match any of my travel documents. I got angry with them, and they said I had to “just say thank you” and called me grateful.

What is the right answer that doesn’t leave me wave to them from the other side of the TSA line?

Gentle Reader: “If you could use my legal name on all official documents, it would save us all a lot of confusion and paperwork.” And then Miss Manners suggest that you let them have their way for the less formal correspondence. At least at the moment.


(Send your questions to Miss Manners on her site, www.missmanners.com; to her e -post, [email protected]; Or by mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)