Maryland legislators for legislation to manage BGE price increases
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Maryland legislators for legislation to manage BGE price increases

Annapolis -A group of Maryland legislators introduced legislation to handle BGE interest increases when homeowners and companies raise concern about their gas bills.

The Taxpayer protection law would require gas companies to prioritize lowering expenditure for pipelines instead of raising prices for customers by identifying and addressing leaks.

BGE’s gas delivery rates have been more than tripled since 2010, according to The Office of People’s Counsel (OPC). The company’s profits have also more than tripled from $ 147 million in 2010 to $ 485 million in 2023, according to OPC.

A group of state leaders and advocates, including national lawyer Anthony Brown, is expected to share information about the proposed bill during a news conference Monday.

According to a news message, the legislation comes when BGE’s Pipeline project is drawing criticism.

The bill would change the information required in plans submitted by gas companies to the Public Service Commission for proposed infrastructure exchange projects.

According to the proposed bill, the plans would need to show that the gas company prioritized projects based on cost efficiency and risk to the public.

Plans would have to include an analysis that compares the cost of the project with alternatives and a plan to notify customers that are affected by the project at least two years before construction, giving them a chance to switch to electricity.

The office for People’s Counsel projects that BGE’s monthly winter delivery bill can double in 2035 and reach $ 450 per month.

RatePayer Protection Act will hear on Thursday 6 February.

BGE customers raise concern

In mid-January, WJZ spoke with some BGE boge customers as aroused concern over increases in their bills. Some said they saw an estimated $ 200 increase between billing cycles.

Churville -Bosatt Laura Kump said her bill in December was $ 274.69, which was quite standard, but her bill went up to $ 481 during the following bike.

“That kind of increase, yes, was a surprise, and we are a family with an income, so those types of increases, especially unexpectedly, really take a big hit on us,” Kump said.

A spokesman for BGE said that the interest rate hikes are expected during the first six months of the year as there are price increases that began in January. These price increases should have been about $ 7.77 on average, according to BGE spokesman Nick Alexopolus.

Alexopolus said that customers in June should expect an increase of $ 26 in their month, by 36% to BGE distribution costs and the other 64% driven by other factors.