Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Review – the greatest medieval life swim of history
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Review – the greatest medieval life swim of history

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 screenshot
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – farmers don’t get much respect (deep silver)

The sequel to 2018’s surprise Hit Historical RPG is more polished and nicer but is Red Dead Redemption Comparisons really justified?

If you missed the original Kingdom Come: DeliveranceIt is not the standard question the fantasy role-playing game that it may seem; It is actually much closer to being a carefully examined medieval life simulator. Without Mages or mythical animals, the world you live in a deeply stratified society where the peasants are considered inferior to city people, who in turn are looking up to the aristocracy.

Located in the early 16th century Bohemia – what is today the Czech Republic – your character, Henry, is the son of a blacksmith and long friend of Lord Hans Capon, an aristocrat based on an real historical figure. At the beginning of the game, you are accused of a mission to deliver a message to a local dignity. When things go wild from the rails leave it Henry Penniless and alone, must rebuild his life from scratch and still in some way complete his mission.

It is the historically authentic version of the well -worn role -playing trop that has your character to lose all its powers after the initial sequence. With no horse, weapon or armor, you really start from the bottom of society and in a world of clay and gossip, it is a rather ranked place to find yourself. Wear broken clothes and without enough money for the bathhouse you look like and smell like the lowest farmer.

At the beginning of the game, just find food and a place to sleep. Taking the thief and infringement can quickly see you limited to an arrow at a byporg, with passers -by that throws rotten vegetables at you. It turns out that it is a shortcut to a hard battle to be wrong for a medieval farmer.

It also allows you to start discovering the mechanics in rural Bohemian life. Your first business order is to find a profit employment, which you will soon discover will sleep and a comfortable learning curve when you take a trade. You also discover that implementing the usual role -playing tasks means a much more significant effort and focus.

Take brewing drugs and drinks. Instead of just picking the right herbs and pressing ‘x’, you have to find the recipe in your book and prepare it step by step. It does matter how many handy of each ingredient you add, the water, the wine or the oil you use as a base and how long you cook each one it is spent, timed with an hourglass next to your cauldron.

Some ingredients must be sanded in a shock and mortar before you are added and for some mergers you also need to distill the resulting liquid before it is ready to be dropped. Getting it up to the boiling point means using bellows to get the fire nice and warm. Of course, even slavish to follow a recipe, your early brews will be weak and low quality, but as everything in the kingdom comes the more you practice the better you become; Although that improvement occurs very slowly.

You will find similar levels of authenticity that create a sword or sharpen it after long -term use. After getting into a fight, your clothes will need a good wash and probably repair. Most garments can be repaired by a tailor, but armor requires a blacksmith or a special package if you happen to be far from a city or village. It is a complex ecosystem that is in constant flow and it affects more than just the protective properties of your clothes.

How you see affects how people treat you. Even with a high score for charisma, if you are dressed in Beggar’s rags, no one will take you seriously. Even if it carries a costly finery, if it is in a poor repair mode or if you are sprayed with clay and visceration, or smell like a layer, you attract suspicion, disgust or direct contempt – especially from the upper classes.

Stealth is equally complex. It makes no sense to try to sneak into a building during the day, when the night offers much better opportunities to stay out of sight. In the same way, everyone who tries to crawl around will carry sheet armor to have a bad time. Optimal sneaking requires mixture in, wearing dark, eye -catching colors and soft tanned shoes, and if you take your thief seriously you will soon construct a whole separate outfit to facilitate your life in crime.

Although there are no magic shenanigans, there are still similarities to The WitcherA colleague Eastern European, historically oriented first person action role player. Like Geralt’s adventure, few assignments are as simple as they first show up and regularly develop unforeseen complications when an attempt at burglary goes wrong, or an intended good turn leads to tragic results.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 screenshot
Not much of a first person shooter (deep silver)

In an early assignment, Henry and his imprisoned are and you get 12 hours to clear his name before he is hung. There are a lot of ways to do that task. By doing chores for some of the craftsmen around the prison grain, you discover clues that lead you to potential salvation in the form of a captain for the guard who can guarantee his.

To get to him, you can use stealth, among other things, to sneak into the tower where he is held; Be invited inside to help with a job for a local or discover that a nearby well is in fact dry and can be used to infiltrate the basements. It makes the world feel rich and open, as if your interaction with it is its own way, rather than just a predetermined corridor that you are fungalized with. Although sometimes it is not entirely true.

Unfortunately, when you have done the chores, discovered the clues, avoided the guards and successfully adopted your plan, you will find out that the only way to complete parts of the assignment is by opening multiple chests using your lockpicking skills. We had never chosen a single lock before that moment, which made it an effective dead end that sent us back almost four hours of playing time to go and spend many more hours picking every lock that we could find to get our skills into a sufficient level to be able to continue.

The game also suffers from a spread of minor problems, mostly graphic, but there were other assignments where the game’s open approach sometimes meant that we received situations that were effectively unsustainable, which resulted in backtracking for older savings (an intricate process that is effective immune to Save-cumming).

Assuming you have the time and inclination to work around them, none of those moments needed to be a game -breaking, but it requires an attitude that encompasses the enjoyment of a long journey even when it sometimes goes disastrously.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 screenshot
Life in the big city (deep silver)

Red Dead Redemption and its sequel have a similar soft pace. Walking or riding on horseback, accompanied by detailed and characteristic conversations, these games rely as much on dialogue and a sense of space for their entertainment. The kingdom will be similar. It may not have the right of the character that Rockstar’s game manages to elicit, but its landscape, historical accuracy and steadfast complexity do it somewhere to live rather than just grind you through.

To take place in two significant open world areas, of which the other is more difficult and more hostile, you will find villages, farms and a large medieval city. There are also forest channels, end up nomad and bandit camps and packaging with wolves, all of which must be sent in some clumsy first person battle. It is smoother than its predecessor but is still not the game’s strongest suit, especially during the first dozen hours when Henry remains relatively easy change.

Like the first game, its skin comes with all kinds of delightful medieval flowers, and the sequel’s much larger Polish encourages you to enjoy the details of its improved graphics. The landscape is sometimes quite beautiful and takes a completely different character in the early dawn fog, compared to the heat from a summer day or a sudden rainstorm.

Voice works are once again a little varied. Henry, his and a connection of main characters are first class, which sounds charismatic and completely natural, while some more smaller characters can be unintentionally comical, especially when trying to put on an accent that is quite clearly strange to them. Given the consideration of wonderful British regional accents and the odd American draw, we are not entirely sure why some felt the need to fake it, but mainly the spectacle is good – even if there are only a couple of characters that even sound on Distance Bohemian.

If you have time and patience for it, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will be an extremely involved, and often uncompromising, historical simulator where your decisions always seem important and consequence. You really do not miss using magic, and if you don’t mind a little hit to get there, offers its progression system and huge list of benefits a huge degree of flexibility – from talking out of problems to improving your trade, topping, thief and even drinking abilities.

There are temporary erroneous assignments, but you can always work around them, encouraged by a tricky plot full of political processing and changing loyalties; Interspedd with long periods of living outside the countryside or in one of its cities, when you upgrade your skills enough to continue. If you have enough leisure time and enjoy complex games that refuse to hold your hand, Deliverance 2 gives a rare feeling of depth and intricate.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Review Summary

In short: A complex and very ambitious medieval life simulator that gasps in historical detail and will happily take over months of your life, although its radical sense of freedom can create unintentional impasser.

Advantages: Fantastic detailed simulation of everything from beverage making to blacksmith. Spectacular varied and specific preferential list, beautifully made bohemian countryside and an impressive feeling of consequence for your actions. Some excellent voice games.

Disadvantages: Still lots of graphic glitches and troublesome scripts – especially every time romance is involved. Not being able to develop because of your skill level is always frustrating. Weak battle.

Do: 7/10

Format: PlayStation 5 (Reviewed), Xbox Series X/S and PC
Price: £ 44.99
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Date of Release: February 4 2024
Age rating: 18

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 screenshot
You can ride and chat (deep silver)

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