Royal Oak Sheetz: Planning Commission to consider re -planning requests along 14 miles
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Royal Oak Sheetz: Planning Commission to consider re -planning requests along 14 miles

Sheetz, a convenience store chain that recently expanded to MichiganSee Royal Ek For the next gas station.

A developer requests that a plot of 14 km and Coolidge be re -zone from industry to company. The website of 3200 W. 14 Mile Rd. Next to Clover Hill Park Cemetery is currently occupied by a previous metal production plant. Developers want to build a Sheetz and an El Carwash.

The plan also includes expanding an existing maintenance building on the back of the site. The cemetery would use that building for storage.

The Royal Oak Planning Commission is scheduled to hear public comments regarding the request at its February 11.


Sheetz would be open around the clock and would have a convenience store and petrol pumps, along with a run and outdoor café.

Planning documents include a traffic study for the intersection. According to that study conducted by Fleis & Vandenbrink, if the development is added, the intersection would “continue to function at an acceptable level of service during top trips.”

According to plans, a new driveway would be added to adapt to Coolidge and change the current road configuration from a three -way intersection to a four -way intersection. The addition of a right turning field to the gas station from 14 miles is also part of the proposal.

However, the engineering department is worried about the crash history at the intersection, together with the influence that the changed time for the stop light may have in other areas of 14 miles.

In documents that will be reviewed by the Planning Commission, the engineering department recommended a peer review of the traffic study before the plans proceed to the City Commission.

Large image view:

Although Sheetz is in Michigan, the chain has struggled to get plans approved in several cities.

Both Livonia and Farmington Hill’s City Council recently voted against proposed Sheetz sites after hearing feedback from the residents concerned. The company wanted to open a place on Newburgh and eight miles in Livonia and 12 miles and Middlebelt in Farmington Hills.

In both cities, residents cited concern about crime and noise and light pollution.

Sheetz released a statement after the Livonia site was shot down and said partly, “Our Romulus site has received overwhelming support from customers and elected officials. We have nine other stores in the Detroit area that have been approved by their municipalities, and we look forward To bring that success and sense of society to these places soon.

What is next:

Royal Oak City Commission will hear public efforts during its February 11 at. 19.00

The meeting will be held in room 21 at the City Hall Commission Chambers.

Review the proposal here.

The source: Information in this story was obtained from planning documents presented to the Royal Oak Planning Commission.

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