Banks with saving buckets: manage your financial goals
3 mins read

Banks with saving buckets: manage your financial goals

Sofi –Evature:

¹ New and existing control and savings members who have not previously registered in direct deposit with SOFI are eligible to earn a cash bonus of either $ 50 (with at least $ 1,000 total direct deposits obtained during that direct deposit bonus period) or $ 300 (by at least $ $ 5,000 total direct deposits received during the bonus period for direct deposit). The cash bonus will be based on the total amount of direct deposit. Direct promotion starts on 12/7/2023 and will be available through 1/31/26. See full bonus and annual percentage return terms at

² Sofi members who register in SOFI Plus with direct deposit or by paying the SOFI Plus subscription fee every 30 days or with $ 5,000 or more in qualified deposits during the 30-day evaluation period can earn 3.80% annual percentage return ( Apy) on savings balance (including arches) and 0.50% apy for control balances. No minimum set amount is required to qualify for the specified interest rate. Members without any SOFI Plus or qualified deposits will earn 1.00% APY on savings balance (including vaults) during the 30-day evaluation period and 0.50% apy in control balances. Only Sofi Plus members are eligible for other Sofi Plus benefits. The interest rates are varied and can be changed at any time. These prices are current from 1/24/25. There is no minimum requirement for balance. Further information is available at See Sofi Plus Terms at

³ We do not charge any account, service or maintenance fees for SOFI control and savings. We charge a transaction fee to treat each outgoing wiring transfer. Sofi does not charge a fee for incoming wire transfers, but the broadcast bank can charge a fee. Our fee policy can be changed at any time. See SOFI control and savings fee for details at

⁴ Sofi Bank is a member FDIC and provides no more than $ 250,000 FDIC insurance per legal category of account ownership, which is described in FDIC’s regulations. Any additional

FDIC insurance is provided by SOFI insured deposit program. Deposits can be insured up to $ 2 million through participation in the program. See Full Terms at

See list of participating banks at

We have collaborated with Allpoint to give you ATM access to one of the 55,000+ ATMs within the Allpoint network. You will not be charged a fee when using an ATM in the network, but third -party fees that occur when using withdrawals outside the network are not subject to repayment. Sofi’s ATM policy can change at any time.

Early access to direct entry funds is based on the time where we receive notification of imminent payment from the Federal Reserve, which is usually up to two days before the scheduled payment date, but may vary.

Credit coverage is limited to $ 50 only on debit card purchases and is an account benefit available to customers with direct deposits of $ 1,000 or more during the current 30-day evaluation period established by Sofi Bank, NA 30-day evaluation period refers to the “start date” and “Final Date” listed on the page APY details on your account, which contains a period of 30 calendar days (“30-day evaluation period”). You can get aside APY details at any time by logging into your SOFI account on the SOFI Mobi app or SOFI website and select either (I) Banking> Savings> Current APY or (II) Banking> Current APY . Members with a previous history of non-repayment of negative balances are not eligible for covering cash credits.