New surprise in Far Cry is not what fans expected
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New surprise in Far Cry is not what fans expected

A new surprise edition of Far Cry Surprise is not what fans of the series expected, but that is what they just got. With Far Cry 7 according to information on the horizonFar Cry fans are in a hold pattern just waiting for the game to be revealed by Ubisoft. Nothing has changed on this front, but Ubisoft has done something new with the series, reviewed an older game in the series and reinforces it with a new update. And it’s not the last released game in the series, Alias ​​Far Cry 6, which has been at the end of this update.

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There is no debate about what the best crying game in the series is. Almost everyone agrees that it is Far Cry 3, although the former Far Cry Games and Far Cry 5 are also favorites for some fans. Like the best Far Cry game is not a debate, the worst Far Cry game is not much debate either: it is long crying: new dawn.

Released back in 2019, as a series of spin-off and sequel to Far Cry 5, got the 11th Far Cry game only a 73 on Metakritric and was sold softly. And that’s because it’s not very good. That said, those who play it in 2025, or who are interested in playing it in 2025, can now do so on a smooth 60 FPS thanks to a new update for the game on PS5, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X, six years after drop. It is enough to say, fans did not expect to see such a meaningful update for the game.

Unfortunately, even at 60 fps, the game is still not good because its problems are not technical. Its questions are in its design, story and characters, which this update does not fix. When it comes to why Ubisoft has added resources to release this update for a game of minimal interest, it has not said.

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