Volta Finance Limited – Director/PDMR – share holding | 03.02.25
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Volta Finance Limited – Director/PDMR – share holding | 03.02.25

Volta Finance Limited (VTA/VTA)

Notice of Transactions by Board members, persons responsible for management
Responsibility and people closely associated with them

Not for release, distribution or publication, in whole or in part, in or into the United States

Guernsey, February 3 2025

In accordance with announcements made on April 5, 2019 and June 26, 2020, regarding changes to payment of board members, Volta Finance Limited (“Company” or “Volta”) purchased 3,250 ordinary shares of no pair value in the company (“regular shares”)) at an average price of € 6.2 per share.

Each board member receives 30% of its director’s fees for each year in the form of shares, which they are required to retain for a period of no less than one year from their respective issuance.

The shares will be issued to the board members, as for regulatory purposes (EU) No 596/2014 on market abuse (“Mar“) are” people responsible for management responsibility “(a”Pdmr“).

  • Dagmar Kershaw, chairman and a PDMR for Mar, acquired 1,000 additional common shares in the company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Kershaw will be interested in 33,885 ordinary shares, which represents 0.09% of the company’s issued shares;
  • Stephen Le Page, Director and PDMR for Mar, acquired 700 additional regular shares in the company. After the settlement of this transaction, Le Page will be interested in 51,995 ordinary shares, which represents 0.14% of the issued shares in the company;
  • Yedau Odoundele, Director and a PDMR for MAR acquired 700 additional regular shares in the company. Following the settlement of this transaction, Mrs. Ogoundele will be interested in 8,295 ordinary shares, which represents 0.02% of the company’s issued shares; and
  • Joanne Peacegood, Director and a PDMR for MAR acquired 850 additional regular shares in the company. Following the decommissioning of this transaction, Mrs. Peacegood will be interested in 5,245 ordinary shares, which represents 0.01% of the company’s issued shares;

The messages below, made in accordance with the requirements of MAR, provide additional details in relation to the above transactions:

  1. Details of the person prescribed management responsibility / person closely associated

a) Dagmar Kershaw
Chairman and director
b) Stephen Le Page
c) Yedau Odoundele
d) Joanne Peacegood

  1. Reason for the notification

a. position/status Director
b. Initial registration/amendment First registration

  1. Details about the issuer, emission market actor, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor

a. Name Volta Finance Limited
b. Lei 2138004N6QDNAZ2V3W80

  1. Details of the transaction: section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) every place where transactions have been implemented

a. Description of financial instrument, type of instrument Ordinary shares
b. Identification code GG00B1GHHH78
c. The nature of the transaction Purchase and distribution of ordinary shares relation to part payment of board members for the quarter ended October 31, 2024
d. Price (s) 6.2 € per share
e. Volume (s) Total: 3,250
f. Transaction date February 3, 2025
g. Transaction site In the market-London

  1. Total purchasing information

Dagmar Kershaw
Chairman and director
Stephen Le Page
Yedau Odoundele
Joanne Peacegood
Aggr. Volume:

6.2 € per share

Aggr. Volume:

6.2 per share

Aggr. Volume:

6.2 € per share

Aggr. Volume:

6.2 € per share


For the investment manager
Axa Investment Managers Paris
François Touati
[email protected]
+33 (0) 1 44 45 80 22

Olivier Pons
[email protected]
+33 (0) 1 44 45 87 30

Business secretary and administrator
BNP Paribas SA, Guernsey branch
[email protected]
+44 (0) 1481 750 853

Business brokers
Cavendish Securities PLC
Andrew Worne
Daniel Balabanoff
+44 (0) 20 7397 8900

If Volta Finance Limited

Volta Finance Limited is incorporated into Guernsey according to the Act on Companies (Guernsey), 2008 (with changes) and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam and London Stock Exchange’s main market for listed securities. Volta’s home Member State for the EU Transparency Directive is the Netherlands. As such, Volta is the subject of regulation and monitoring of AFM, which is the regulator for the financial markets in the Netherlands.

Volta’s investment goal is to preserve its capital over the credit cycle and to provide a stable income current to its shareholders through dividends that it expects to distribute quarterly. The company is currently trying to achieve its investment goals by promoting exposure primarily to CLO’s and similar asset classes. A more diversified investment strategy on structured financing assets can be conducted opportunistic. The company has appointed Axa Investment Managers Paris as an investment management company with a division that specializes in structured credit for the investment management of all its assets.


If Axa Investment Managers
AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) is a asset management company with several experts within the AXA group, a global leader in economic protection and wealth management. AXA IM is one of the largest European -based asset managers with 2,800 professionals and EUR 859 billion in the management of assets at the end of June 2024.


This press release is published by Axa Investment Managers Paris (“Axa IM”), in its capacity as an alternative investment fund manager (in the sense referred to in Directive 2011/61/EU, “AIFM Directive”) in Volta Finance Limited (“” Volta Finance “) whose portfolio is handled by Axa im.

This press release is only for information and does not constitute an invitation or stimulus to acquire shares in Volta Finance. Its circulation may be prohibited in certain jurisdictions and no recipient may circulate copies of this document in violation of such restrictions or restrictions. This document is not an offer for the sale of the securities referred to here in the United States or to persons who are “American persons” for rules under the US Securities Act from 1933, with amendments (the “Securities Act”), or otherwise in circumstances where such an offer would be limited by the applicable law. Such securities may not be sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration from the Securities Act. Volta Finance does not intend to register any part of the offer of such securities in the United States or to carry out a public offer of such securities in the United States.


This communication is only distributed to and addressed only to (i) persons who are outside the UK or (ii) investment personnel who fall within Article 19.5 of Financial Services and Markets ACT 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (“Order”) or (III) Company With high net value and other persons who can be legally communicated, Article 49 (2) (a)) fall to (D) of the order (all such persons are referred to as “relevant persons”). The securities referred to here are only available for, and all invitations, offers or agreements to subscribe, buy or otherwise acquire such securities will be involved in, relevant persons. Every person who is not a relevant person should not act or trust this document or any of its content. Previous performance cannot trust as a guide to future performance.

This press release contains statements that are considered to be, “forward -looking statements”. These forward -looking statements can be identified by the use of forward -looking terminology, including the terms “believe”, “expected”, “expects”, “refers to”, “is/expected”, “May”, “will” or “should”. They include statements about the dividend level, the current market account and its impact on the long -term return on Volta Finance Investments. In its nature, there are forward -looking statements about risks and uncertainties and readers warned that all such forward statements are not guarantees for future results. Volta Finance’s actual results, portfolio composition and performance can differ significantly from the impression created by the forward statements. AXA IM does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise forward -looking statements.

All target information is based on certain assumptions about future events that may not be realized. Due to the uncertainty about these future events, the goals are not intended to be and should not be regarded as profits or revenue or any other type of forecasts. It cannot be guaranteed that any of these goals will be achieved. In addition, no insurance can be given that the investment target will be achieved.

The figures prescribed that relate to the last few months or the years and previous performance cannot rely on as a guide to future performance or be interpreted as a reliable indicator for future performance. Throughout this review, citation of specific business or strategies is intended to illustrate some of the investment methods and philosophies in Volta Finance, which is implemented by AXA IM. The historical success or AXA IM’s belief in the future success, for any of these business or strategies is not an indication of and has no impact on future results.

The valuation of financial assets can vary considerably from the prices that AXA IM could receive if it tried to liquidate the positions on Volta Finance due to market conditions and general economic environments. Such values ​​do not constitute a fair or similar opinion and should not be regarded as such.

Editor: Axa Investment Managers Paris, a company that is incorporated in accordance with France’s laws, with its registered office located on Tour Majunga, 6, Place de la Pyramide – 92800 Puteaux. Axa Imp is authorized by Autorité des Marché’s financiers According to registration number GP92008 as an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the AIFM Directive.
