Ennore Oil Spillage: CPCL refuses 73.7CR Penalty | Chennai News
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Ennore Oil Spillage: CPCL refuses 73.7CR Penalty | Chennai News

Ennore Oil Emission: CPCL refuses 73.7CR -Palse

Chennai: Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) rejected Iit Madra’s report on Oil spill under cyclone michaungTo say that it is “incorrect and based on incorrect methods to determine both the source of the leak and the volume spilled in Ennore”.
Tamil Nadu Presidential Board (TNPCB), which acts on a National Green Tribunal (Ngt) order from October 2024, issued a message about show cause that asked CPCL so it would not pay a penalty of 73.68 crore for the spill.
CPCL refused to pay, with reference to the incident as a Force Majeure situation and claimed that all industries in the Manali area were seriously affected by floods.
PSU pointed out that about 25 petrochemical and chemical industries work in and around Manali, with oil that is also found in upstream areas in its unit along the Kosasthalaiyar river. It claimed that punishment CPCL was unfair, given that it required all efforts to restore normality in Ennore.
In its response to TNPCB, CPCL said that IIT Madra’s report’s methodology to estimate the spilled amount was incorrect, which led to abnormally high numbers. It added that deviations in identification of the source of the emission were reviewed internally.
Iit Madras previously handed his results to Govt and estimated that at least 517 tonnes of oil was spilled and recommended a penalty of 73.68 krore, based on a Vietnamese model previously used by NGT in Damodar Valley Corporation.
During the NgT negotiation last week, CPCL’s advice claimed that Iit Madras did not conduct an in -depth study of the oil spill and relied only on random sampling. CPCL also claimed that soil pollution required proper assessment and quantification before any conclusions could be drawn. PSU sought time to conduct a detailed study that covers soil, water, mangroves and residential areas affected by the emission.
Given the submissions, some TNPCB led to consider all aspects before submitting his report and dismissed the case until February 25.