1 min read

Katie Holmes casual outfit for the party season

Jede Woche, jeden Tag sichten wir Hunderte von Looks, um neue Trends zu identifizieren und Inspirationen zu sammeln, die wir an dich weitergeben wollen. Bei dem ein oder andra Star bleiben wir bei unserer Recherche immer wieder hängen. Der beste Beweis dafür, dass der Stil besonders und trotzdem alltagstauglich ist. Ein solches Fashion-Vorbild ist Katie […]

4 mins read

Rethinking humanity’s devotion to technology

Technology has increasingly filled roles historically served by religion, providing meaning, purpose and answers to existential concerns. This shift follows a broader historical pattern in which dominant cultural frameworks shifted from theology in the Middle Ages to policy during the Enlightenment and later to the economy during the Industrial Revolution. Technology is the latest framework […]

7 mins read

The grocer is already raising prices to prepare for Trump’s tariff proposal

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, a big part of what propelled President-elect Donald Trump’s win was voters’ understandable anger over “kitchen table” economic issues like food prices. However, scores of independent economists have been sounding alarm bells for months that the president-elect’s economic proposals would only worsen the problem, along with many other […]

1 min read

Silicon Valley Clean Energy Relaunches Customer Service eHub – The Mercury News

Reactivated eHub Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) has relaunched its online Customer Resource Center to include a brand new Incentive Finder for residential customers and updated resources for businesses and contractors. The Sunnyvale-based nonprofit provides clean energy to residents of South Bay communities. SVCE eHub, located at https://ehub.svcleanenergy.orgis designed to help customers find rebates and […]

1 min read

Wuthering Waves: Release Date for PS5 and Vorbestellerboni bestäitet

This Open-World-Action-RPG Wuthering Waves with Gacha-Elementen begeistert Plays with late tiefgehenden Story and packendem Gameplay. The release for the PlayStation 5 will take place on January 1, 2025 at 11:00 p.m. German time. Bereits jetzt ist das Spiel auf PC and Mobilgeräten available and bietet dot ein Spielerlebnis mit schöner Grafik and actionreiche Spielmechaniken. If […]