1 min read

Myles Smith – “Nice To Meet You”, Neu für den Sektor – Neu für den Sektor – Music – Radio

After his completely sold-out North America Tour, which was played this year from September to November, the 26-year-old is now releasing his new EP “A Minute…”. Neben “Nice To Meet You” and “Stargazing” consisted of 5 new songs. Each track gives a deeper insight into Myle’s personal growth as an artist. „Insgesamt es in ‘A […]

1 min read

Food bags are praised in Suffolk University research

The study found that the shops helped reduce loneliness and promoted social cohesion “to the extent that new communities were visibly created in most locations”. As well as food, Top Up Shops were able to signpost people to other support services, with visiting nurses identifying “serious health problems” among some customers. The report added: “Without […]

6 mins read

KI-Revolution at the workplace: Better than colleagues?

Photo: Unsplash Study zeigt gemischtes Bild: Mistrust gegenben der Technologie bleibt weit bereicht. Users begrüßen neue Horizonte. Angste halten sich in Grenzen. Hin und wieder hört man, wenn es um die Künstliche Intelligenz geht, den Vergleich mit den Webern im 19. Jahrhundert, die mit ihrem Beharren auf ihrer traditional Arbeitsweise vom Fortschritt durch machine production […]

3 mins read

Build self-awareness through consistency

By GS Tripathi The Bhagvad Gita says that those who do not have self-knowledge are ever in doubt. Doubt, if not cleared, leads to sansayatma vinashyati, self-destruction. Self-knowledge is knowledge that you create for yourself, through an independent approach. Self-consistency means several repetitive steps, until you get almost the same result as a solution to […]

1 min read

Illinois’ winter weather rule goes into effect Dec. 1

CHICAGO (WICS) — The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is reminding consumers that the Illinois Winter Weather Rule will be in effect from December 1st – March 31st. The Winter Weather Rule prohibits utilities from disconnecting eligible customers who use electricity or gas as their primary home heating source. To protect Illinoisans during dangerous cold weather, […]