6 mins read

KI-Revolution at the workplace: Better than colleagues?

Photo: Unsplash Study zeigt gemischtes Bild: Mistrust gegenben der Technologie bleibt weit bereicht. Users begrüßen neue Horizonte. Angste halten sich in Grenzen. Hin und wieder hört man, wenn es um die Künstliche Intelligenz geht, den Vergleich mit den Webern im 19. Jahrhundert, die mit ihrem Beharren auf ihrer traditional Arbeitsweise vom Fortschritt durch machine production […]

3 mins read

Build self-awareness through consistency

By GS Tripathi The Bhagvad Gita says that those who do not have self-knowledge are ever in doubt. Doubt, if not cleared, leads to sansayatma vinashyati, self-destruction. Self-knowledge is knowledge that you create for yourself, through an independent approach. Self-consistency means several repetitive steps, until you get almost the same result as a solution to […]

2 mins read

India is exploring insurance coverage for Ayush treatment for foreign nationals

India’s Ministry of Ayush is examining a proposal to explore the possibility of including insurance packages for ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, unani, siddha and homeopathy treatment for foreign nationals coming here. A senior official, told line of businessthat a proposal was received from the European Business and Technology Center (EBTC) and is “under process”. “The Ministry […]

4 mins read

Republicans introduce bill to define “male” and “female” based on biological differences| National Catholic Register

Several Republican lawmakers introduced legislation to clarify that the terms “man,” “woman,” and “sex” refer, among other things, to the biological differences between men and women when those words are used in law. The Definition of Men and Women Act 2024introduced by Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas, aims to prevent government officials and courts from […]

7 mins read

Heizen and trotzdem Energisparen? Das ist alles eine Frage der richtigen Einstellung

Ein Teil unserer teuer bezahlten Heizwärme flows regularly unused through the Heizungsrohre. “Heufig sind Heizungen total überhöht eingestellt, aber die Kunden merken es nicht, weil es aufreichnung warm wird”, said Florian Lörincz, Energieberater für die Verbraucherzentrale Niedersachsen. Die gute Nachricht: Oft können auch Laien den Energieverbrauch der Heizung deutlich senken. Die schlechte: Sie need dafür […]

2 mins read

Fortnite Final Remix sets new records and offers an emotional Tribute to Juice WRLD

Das Fortnite The Remix Finale Event set a new standard: Mit 14.3 Millionen Spielern gegleichzeiten briicht es the bisherigen Konzert-Rekord, der 2020 with 12.3 Millionen Spielern vid Travis Scott-Event aufgestellt word. Millionen weitere Zuschauer verfügtten das Spektakel auf Twitch and YouTube. A mix of iconic moments, Star-Power and an exciting look at the future begeistert […]

8 mins read

Stärkung der Cybersicherheit durch Menschlichen Faktor

The human factor in IT security When the employee becomes an Insider Threat Provider zum Thema The Berliner Anbieter der cloudnativen Security-Plattform KnowBe4 wants to strengthen the human factor in the security defense and offer training, coaching and cooperation with leading security experts. Er hat bereits selbst schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Companies invest in technical measures […]