4 mins read

Trump calls on Selensky to Deal with Russia auf

News blog zum Ukraine-Krieg Trump calls on Selensky to Deal with Russia auf Current 16.12.2024 – 20:40Length: 5 min. Donald Trump (l) und Volodymyr Selenskyj: Trump kündigte zuletzte einen geheimen Plan an. (Source: IMAGO/President of Ukraine via Bestimage/imago) Trump the form en Forderung an die Ukraine. North Korea erleidet Verluste bei Kursk. All information in […]

1 min read

Offer: Samsung ViewFinity S9 bietet 5K, AirPlay 2 and smart Features current 155 Euro under de bisherigen Bestpreis

But the ViewFinity S9 should be particularly versatile, because not only DisplayPort verbaut Samsung is a Thunderbolt 4-Anschluss (USB-C), where connected laptops zeitgleich with up to 90 Watt charging and with them the integrated USB-C-Hub with three ports can be connected. It has an Apple Studio Display integrated with ViewFinity S9 integrated stereo sound, with […]

2 mins read

US-Verleiher nehmen Film, der Amazon was criticized, nicht an

Wegducken vor den Mächtigen ist das Gebot der Stunde in den USA, auch in Hollywood: Trotz Preisen und Kritikerlob findt die Amazon-kritische Dokumentation „Union“ af Filmemacher Brett Story und Stephen Maing keinen Verleih, weil man es sich nicht Jeff Bezos‘ Konzern verscherzen will, wie mehrere Verleiher offen bekundeten. In Amazon’s McJob_kosmos mangelt es nie an […]

5 mins read

Gov. Murphy asks public to ‘calm down’ over drone sightings • New Jersey Monitor

Federal authorities arrived in New Jersey on Friday to investigate whether the nighttime lights reported across the state since mid-November are drones on mysterious, malevolent missions or just aircraft mistaken for drones by a panicked public, Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday. The governor, speaking to reporters at the Statehouse in Trenton, said he pushed the […]