“Shot on iPhone”: Apple lets Wallace & Gromit auf 101 Meters be projected
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“Shot on iPhone”: Apple lets Wallace & Gromit auf 101 Meters be projected

Neben seiners the regular Christmas campaignin this part of the new Hörgeräte function for AirPods Pro 2 times, which Apple in London has started a special week with “Holiday Event”: An exclusive Trick film with the British Stop-Motion character Wallace & Gromit, with his iPhone gefilmed wurde, wird auf das ehemalige Kohlekraftwerk Battersea Power Station projected. The iconic building is also Apple’s British headquarters. In addition, there is a large store of the iPhone Group in the Einkaufszentrum, which was built into the former Maschinenhalle.


The animated film, like a Weihnachtsmotif hat, is one minute long and has been extra from Wallace & Gromit-Studio Aardman. Er läuft jeden Tag zwischen 17 und 22 Uhr 30 bis zum Sylvesterabend. Auf Bildern by Apple is to see, so that they are over 100 Meter Hohen Schornsteine ​​​​as Projektionsfläche served. That best Blick you should von der Thames aus haben – beziehungsweise vom gegenüberliegenden Ufer, wie a video tough, like Apple CEO Tim Cook on X published hat.

Apple uses die Vorführung natürlich auch dazu, Advertising for iPhone to the machen. The film is teil der “Shot on iPhone”-Reihe, zu der auch ein “Behind the scenes” report be published. When the footage is available on an iPhone 16 Pro Max, telephoto lenses were used in ProRAW. Jedes Einzelbild will be better in 4K and then a 6K stitching to create an ejaculation.

A software used by Aardman and a total of eight iPhones, which were connected to the Profi-Ständer, which allowed for extremely precise positioning. Die Ausleuchtung was natürlich ebenfalls professional, exactlyso who die Nachbearbeitung. “This iPhone 16 Pro Max is set to motorized purchase, about Weihnachtsbäume (which is an important role in the film) from two Blickwinkeln to photograph. Add 6,000 photos taken,” writes Apple.

Director Gavin Strange called das Projekt a “cineastische Fusion von Technologie und Kunst”. I have a normal iPhone-Nutzer so you are interested in Stop-Motion-Technik. “Ich hofe, das ist jeder dieses Weihnachten inspired.”
