Vandalism incident in Naples involves church desecration
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Vandalism incident in Naples involves church desecration

Episodes of vandalism continue in Naples, but this time they also include and involve a place of worship. In the Church of San Ferdinando in Piazza Trieste e Trento, a tourist entered and then hid behind the door to urinate. An episode that immediately made headlines for the level of incivility shown towards a city that tries daily to receive its guests in the most welcoming way possible. The complaint of Francesco Emilio Borrelli The episode occurred in the nativity scene where the man, with the complicity of his partner, hid behind the interior entrance door of the church. The episode was reported on the Facebook page of the deputy of the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, who shared the security camera footage on his profile. The deputy condemned the ineptitude and the “outrage against art, history and worship.” “Many come here to give vent to barbaric instincts, but this is not the Babylon of ineptitude and corruption,” Borrelli wrote. “It is emblematic of a tourism that is too often unchecked and unchecked, where visitors learn bad habits and ineptitude more than history and culture. Sure, many well-educated and respectful visitors come here, but the pile of greasy paper, cans and bottles that line the streets in the historic city center, combined with the too often lack of respect for historical, artistic and even religious symbols, as in this case, tell of a degradation that is becoming more and more glaring and humiliating. The chaos in which the city finds itself forces many tourists, those who are already uncivil, to behave like barbarians. More precise programs and measures are needed for tourist flows, and the Neapolitans in particular must lead by example.’ Incivility in the nativity scene The images clearly show how the woman, who pretends to admire the nativity scene, acts as a lookout for her partner, hidden behind the door of the room. The act of indecency caught the attention of the priest, who almost immediately documented the incident with the surveillance of the closed ones the circuit diagrams, a complaint was made.

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