3 mins read

Donald Trump called the Biden-Entscheidung “sehr dumm” – and will see the Ukraine-Plan nicht verraten

In his first press conference since his election victory in November, the designated US president presented a “deal” for the end of the Ukraine war in Aussicht. The “Gemetzel” had to be ended. Die Freigabe weitreichender US-Raketen nennt er einen Fehler. The US President-designate Donald Trump has announced that the talks with the President of […]

2 mins read

Hacker misbrauchen Google Calendar zum Angriff auf Postfächer

The security expert from Check Point has a new concern to get back to the email. Die Hacker missbrauchen dabei Behrungsungen, um Phishing-E-Mails an den Sicherheitsmaßnahmen vieler Postfächer vorbeizuschmuggeln. Google The calendar is a tool for organizing Zeitplänen and zur Zeitverwaltung, which Einzelpersonen and Unternehmen bei der Planung ihrer Arbeitszeit supported. According to, Google […]

5 mins read

Pessimism zieht stronges Sicherheitsnetz ein

Photo: Claudiodiv – Die DAX-Rally knows no End, diese Woche wurden weitere Allzeithochs confessional. DAX: Record and Atmosphere This Anlegersentiment notierte vor einer Woche im extrem positiven Bereich, ich sprach von Euphorie. Entsprechend war es schwer für den DAX, seine Kursgewinne deutlich auszubauen. At the same time sicherten sich bereits vor einer Woche viele […]

8 mins read

NLRB Returns to Pro-Union Standard in Endurance Environmental Sol

As we have previously reportedsince President Biden took office, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or “the Board”) began to systematically reverse Trump-era policies and move toward increasingly pro-union and pro-employee policies. Those efforts have not been slowed by the impending end of the Biden administration. On December 10, 2024, the NLRB overruled a Trump-era […]

10 mins read

Better Health for Mothers and Children Toolkit: Discussion Guide

Across the United States, health care organizations are coordinating efforts throughout pregnancy and postpartum care to improve birth outcomes and reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. AHA’s Better Health for Mothers and Babies Initiative works with our member hospitals and health systems to help mothers and their babies thrive. This discussion guide is designed to help […]